"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." -- Matthew 6:33
Join us every Wednesday evening at 6pm in Room B107 as we seek God's guidance on behalf of our Church body and the life and ministry of Asbury Church. All ages are welcome. We plan to last for about an hour.
Wednesday Schedule:
• 6pm: Seek First Prayer Time -- Room B107
• 6-7:30pm: Kingdom Kids -- Asbury’s program for kids ages kindergarten through 5th Grade.
• 6-7:30pm: Asbury Youth --All Students in the 6-12 Grades are welcome to join this group! Room D104
• 6pm: Women of Joy LifeGroup -- This group meets the first and third Wednesdays of the month from 6-7:30pm beginning January 22nd in the Library.
• 6 or 6:30pm: Adult Classes -- Check out the list of class offerings below --
• Matthew: the Prophesied Messiah and His Kingdom
“The Old Testament ends with unachieved purposes/incomplete covenants, unappeased longings and unfilled prophecies” per Dr. C. Missler. Matthew is the “hinge” between the OT and NT, presenting Jesus as the fulfillment of prophecies of the Messiah as Prophet, Priest and King. Mt.5:17 We follow a Jewish Messiah and are living in times that require a deep, well-grounded faith. Bible Prophecy confirms the integrity of scripture! Join us on Wednesdays at 10am OR 6pm at Asbury in Room D106. Study book will be “The book of Matthew, smart Guide to the Bible” (about $10), if you want more than your Bible. Sign up in the Church Office (maryjo.fraipont@asburychurch.org/316-942-1491) or email Linda (ljstephen@gmail.com).
• Living the Christian Life (a study through the book of James): Join us every Wednesday at 6:30pm in the Atrium (Room B105) as Pastor Rick guides us through the book of James. Please Note: This class will not meet again until March 12th.
• Tuning In: Hearing God through Sound and Silence -- Facilitated by Kate Green
Join us on a 7-week journey to slow down, rest in God’s peace, and hear His voice more clearly. Through the practice of sound and silence, we’ll explore Presence, Awareness, Union, Stillness, and Expansion, all rooted in scripture and focusing our connection with God. This unique class offers a space to quiet your soul and draw closer to him. P.A.U.S.E. This class is located in the Chapel. Last night of Class.
The Thursday Women’s Bible Study has begun, but there is still time to join -- Thursdays, 9:30-11:30am in Room B111. For this session we will be using the “Gospel on the Ground” study by Kristi McLelland, which is a 7-week study. Zoom will be available for those who can’t join us in person. A study guide, which includes video access to the teaching videos, accompanies this class is available through Lifeway for participants to purchase before the class begins.
If you have questions, call the Church Office (316-942-1491), or Sheri Smith (316-304-6555).
Refreshing Connections is a new group of singles ages 40+. The regular meeting time will be the 4th Friday of the month at 6:30pm in Base Camp Coffee Shop. The group will start with a short devotional and board games with finger foods provided. Please bring ideas for future activities for the group to consider along with the suggestions we already have. Use the entrance by Asbury Preschool as that will be the only door unlocked. If you have any questions, contact Jerri Barr (christinejoye@yahoo.com).
Everyone is invited to Sunday Brunch on Sunday, March 30th! Join us from 9-10:15am in the O’Campo Fellowship Hall (Gym) for breakfast and fellowship with the entire Asbury congregation.
There will not be any Sunday school classes meeting on Sunday, March 30th.
The All-Church Clean-Up will be Saturday, April 5th beginning at 8am! All are welcome to help us get our campus ready for Easter visitors! Bring any clean-up equipment you might need. Contact Michael in the Church Office for more information: michael.teer@asburychurch.org or 316-942-1491.
Join us for Palm Sunday at Asbury Church -- Worship Services at 8 and 10:30am.
KIDS -- come to Asbury for Road to Salvation: An Easter Story on Wednesday, April 16th at 5:30pm! This is a FREE event for Kids and Families. Please register by clicking the link below so we have a good count!
Join us for Maundy Thursday Service at Asbury Church at 6:30pm in the Sanctuary
Join us for the Good Friday Service at Asbury Church at 6:30pm in the Sanctuary
Celebrate! He Has Risen! Join us as we celebrate our risen Savior in worship at 8 or 10:30am!
Garage Sale Date Changed: Please Note: The All-Church Garage Sale has been moved from April to May 8th & 9th. Donations WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTED from April 28th-May 2nd. More details coming soon. Questions: please contact Sarah in the Church Office (316-942-1491 or sarah.brooks@asburychurch.org).
Are you young at heart? Love to study the Bible and pray for one another? Love good food and fellowship? Join us every Tuesday morning at 9:30am for food & fellowship followed by prayer and Bible study at 10am in Fireside Room. We are studying the Book of Ephesians in the Fireside Room. All are welcome!
Every Wednesday at 6am all men are invited to gather at Village Inn (7020 W Central Ave). This is a weekly opportunity to reconnect, talk about life over breakfast (on your own). The plan is also to talk about the discussion questions from Sunday’s sermon. Any questions call Stan Russell at 260-5015.
Please join us for worship every Sunday morning in-person or LIVEStream at 8 or 10:30am.
Adult Classes: Sundays 9:15-10:15am
• Bereans – Room B111 -- Anyone is invited to join this class!
• Genesis – Room B104/Fireside
• Logos – Room B105/Atrium
• Searchers – Room D106
• Wow (Wonders of the Word): Room D105
If you are interested in joining any of the above classes, please contact Mary Jo (maryjo.fraipont@asburychurch.org or 316-942-1491) in the Church Office.
If you are interested in joining any of the above classes, please contact Mary Jo (maryjo.fraipont@asburychurch.org or 316-942-1491) in the Church Office.
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