- Barbara Bell had a successful knee replacement on the 26th. She has been in a great deal of pain but is doing better at Presbyterian Manor for rehab.
- Pastor’s dad, Eugene, had a successful surgery. He is home recovering.
- Larry McCreight will have melanomas removed for the next 3 Fridays. Starting on the 7th. Out patient.
- Bobby Buford’s friend, Larry had a fall. They live outside Fall River.
- Debbie Rinehart is asking prayer for her brother-in-law, George Delaney. George has been taken to Hays, KS hospital with sepsis. He is in ICU.
- Carol Schroer’s brother Jerry had a fall. Jerry is in Wesley with broken bones in his cheeks.
- Vivian (Tuesday am Bible Class) is home in Hospice care.
- Beth Perkin’s, Aunt Virginia, has been placed in Hospice care.
- Marylin McClure having CT Scan on the 26th
- Judy Freeman
- Sharon Bellis is having an ablation on neck
- Jerri Ford – had a fall. She is in a lot of pain.
- Richard Miller
- Larry, friend of Bobby Buford
- Katie Stone, friend of Allison Woods
- Kim from the MS group. Diagnosed with breast cancer.
- Allison Woods brother Bill
- Linda Jesseph
- Susan Innes
- Travis Hoover’s Aunt Sharon
- Synda Kitts Mom and sister
- Sheila Hitz and her family.
- Renee, Synda’s sister
- Pattie Morris’ sister, Shannon
- Del Rinehart
- Kim Erney
** St Patrick’s Catholic Church was vandalized and marked with satanic graffiti. Pray for the young man that damaged the church that he have a change of heart to look for God.
** For those that lost homes and loved ones in the Oklahoma fires. Patty Morris’ cousin Kim and her family lost everything.
** Families, residents and staff of care home in Yates Center that burnt.
** For those that lost homes and loved ones in the tornados last weekend.
**Prayers for Israel.
Cancer fighters: Josh, Angie Dexter de Fuentes, Linda Groves, Gene Fields, Sheila Hitz, Marty Fisher, Tom VanLone, Vivianne, Raevyn, Karen Langrehr, Lillie Lim, Scott Herring, Ben Moore, Michelle, Jenna Rodriquez, Bill, Scott Moshier, Frank Campbell, Jacob, Don Brittain, Tim, Paul, Chris Botts, Jim Beebe, Carol Williams, Joyce Goerzen, Ray, Vivian & Freda, Kathryn Dunham
- Jaxon Dame, the Beebe’s grandson, Basic Training in San Antonio, TX with USAF.
- Tracy Mountford’s son, Ryan Mountford, USAF, California.
- Mary Jo’s great grandson, Nicholas Hayes, USAF, Turkey for a year then Japan.
- All those traveling for medical issues, and those traveling to see loved ones.
- James Marunga, Embrace, 24/7 Ministries