Asbury Church has many volunteer opportunities that just might be the right fit for you! This is your chance to help out, serve others, get to know people in the congregation or just put your skills to use for God. Check out the various job descriptions below or look for more information. Then just simply fill out the YES form below to let us know where you want to help AND place in the box at the base of the Mountain in the Foyer!
If you are unsure how you can get involved, contact the Church Office at 316-942-1491 or
Saying “yes” to the Tech Team means saying “yes” to computers, camera, worship, behind the scenes! Nathan is looking for someone who would run slides and camera during our worship services. Appropriate training would be given. Spots are available for both the 8 and 10:30am service, which service would you like?
Saying “yes” to the nursery means saying yes to hugs, sticky hands, smiles, tears, and laughter! This is a once-a-month commitment. You’ll work with babies-5yrs. Appropriate training, background check, and Safe Gatherings certification will be expected.
Saying “yes” to Children’s Church means saying “yes” to questions, laughter, hugs, and listening. You’ll work with a co-teacher and be with kids K-5th grade. This is a once-a-month commitment. Appropriate training, background check and Safe Gathering Certification will be expected.
Saying “yes” to Kids’ Club means saying “yes” to imagination, being silly, attitudes, questions, and games. You’ll work with a co-leader and be with a specific grade level. This is a school-year commitment (Sept-April). Appropriate training, background check and Safe Gathering Certification will be expected. What age would you like to work with -- K-1st, 2nd-3rd, 4th-5th?
Saying “yes” to Youth Group means saying “yes” to being silly, fun, adventure, strange smells, and questions. You’ll work with student’s 6th-12th grade. This is a school-year commitment (Sept-April). Appropriate training, background check and Safe Gathering Certification will be expected.
Saying “yes” to the visitation team means saying “yes” to in person meetings, listening, and praying for others. You might be visiting those in the Hospital or our homebound members. You’d be meeting and ministering to all ages. If you feel comfortable you can administer Communion. Pastor Susan would be your contact person.
Saying “yes” to the at a distance team means saying “yes” to note writing and phone calls with our homebound. Our seniors/homebound members love to hear from anyone at the church. Pastor Susan would be your contact person.
Saying “yes” to being an usher is saying “yes” to greeting members and visitors, being friendly and welcoming, handing out the Sunday Brief, collecting the offering after service. This is a once-a-month commitment. As an usher we ask you to arrive 15 minutes before service.
We need ushers at both the 8 and 10:30am service, which would you like?
Saying “yes” to being a greeter is saying “yes” to being hospitable, recognizing visitors, directing people to various parts of the church. As a greeter you are asked to be at church at least 15 minutes before service. You’ll open the doors for people arriving. We need greeters at both the 8 and 10:30am service, which would you like?
Saying “yes” to being a welcome center attendant means saying “yes” to being welcoming and kind to visitors, help visitors know how to connect with Asbury, and pass out a free gifts. We need attendants at both the 8 and 10:30am service, which would you like?
Saying “yes” to the front desk means saying “yes” to being a friendly face to visitors, answering phones, and occasionally helping staff with projects. This is a flexible time commitment, Mary Jo will contact you as needs arise.
Saying “yes” to being a Social Media Influencer just means engaging with our congregation on our social platforms. This might include being involved in the chat during the Sunday worship services, sharing a Bible verse or responding to a post about a prayer concern. This is a job that can be done from your couch!
Saying “yes” to this opportunity means using your phone or video camera to capture the life of Asbury Church. You don’t have to be a professional, just willing to be looking for great shots around the church.
Saying “yes” to this position is helping out in the Asbury Coffee Shop during worship services, special events or maybe even during the morning rush hours of our Preschool to serve our Preschool Parents. No experience necessary. We will train you.
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